How To Install Phpmailer On Xampp Tutorial

Active3 years, 11 months ago

I am running XAMPP on a local installation of Windows 7.I have not been running XAMPP's Mercury server because I've tried itonce in the past and could not get it to work. So I thoughtI did not have SMTP working on my machine, until yesterdayI installed a localized version of WordPress and thenfound the following folder:


containing a message named:


containing the following message:

I've looked at the URL PHPMailer but could not find out about it and it does not seem to bedocumented on the page http:// localhost/xampp where it is not listedunder 'Components' and could not see it with phpinfo();

Using PHPMailer to Send Mail through PHP. Xampp localhost? And I'm confuse of whether if I'm using xampp localhost with phpmailer. The tutorial above, the. In our XAMPP tutorial, we’ll show you how to install and use your own local test server. XAMPP is the perfect trial environment for your online project.

Could someone please explain to me how to find out more about how PHPMaileris configured to work with my XAMPP installation and how to send mail (sothat it presumably shows up on my desktop's mailutput folder).How do I configure e-mail accounts with PHPMailer?


  • Nov 12, 2016  how to send email from localhost in windows 7 with phpmailer. - xampp 5.6.24. How to send email from localhost in windows 7 with phpmailer. - xampp 5.6.24. PHPMailer Tutorial.
  • How to send email from localhost in windows 7 with phpmailer. - xampp 5.6.24. How to send email from localhost in windows 7 with phpmailer. - xampp 5.6.24. PHPMailer Tutorial.
  • Using PHPMailer in Windows XAMPP with SMTP to send email I just wanted to point out that this video doesn't give any hints on what to do if you are NOT using workspaces. It took me forever to figure out how to use SMTP to send mail, but this is my code.
  • Tutorial on sending mails using PHPMailer. PHP Send Mail with XAMPP Localhost Using PHPMailer. One way is to send the mail using XAMPP.
John SondersonJohn Sonderson
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2 Answers

PHPMailer, assuming we are talking about the same program, is not part of XAMPP (although I am not familiar enough to know if it's incl with WordPress, but I doubt it).

To install PHPMailer, you upload a few files to a folder on your web server (or in the document root, which in XAMPP is the htdocs folder). These files are important:

  • class.phpmailer.php --> Necessary
  • class.pop3.php --> Optional
  • class.smtp.php --> Optional
  • PHPMailerAutoload.php --> Useful

To load PHPMailer, you need a line like:


You don't create email accounts in PHPMailer; you create them on your webserver (or other mail host, like google mail). Then you provide the email account login/password to PHPMailer in its instructions.

Here are some docs and tutorials for PHPMailer:

Helpful Answer on SO <-- Also note the (accepted) answer immediately above this one

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I don't think it has anything to do with PHPMailer. It might be because newer XAMPP comes with several options for mailing:

  • using a regular SMTP server (what you're looking for)
  • using 'fakemail'
  • using mailtodisk (what you're experiencing)

Look around line 1130 of php.ini for:

[mail function]

There are a bunch of lines afterwards like:

; XAMPP: Comment out this if you want to work with an SMTP Server like Mercury

; XAMPP: Comment out this if you want to work with mailToDisk, It writes all mails in the O:ProgramsXAMPPmailoutput folder

You probably have the following uncommented:

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Xampp Tutorial Pdf


This means that whenever you send an email, it gets routed through the included tool 'mailtodisk.exe' which is what's saving it to that output folder.

If you make any configuration changes, don't forget to restart Apache (not the XAMPP control panel).


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Active2 years, 5 months ago

So I've tried a couple of things but it I'm just unable to send a mail from php on my XAMPP server. I'm using OSX Yosemite and in terminal I can mail to the local mail client which I've setup and also to my external mail. I even switched to Netbeans IDE and tried the code in it's built in php server which worked but on my xampp server it just doesn't send. I've been trying to use PHPMailer send an email but it doesn't seem to work everything seems fine.

Whenever I send a mail I get this error:

Install Phpmailer On Windows

Any help? Have been trying to figure this out for hours now


2 Answers

Configure SMTP Server first to send the email. SMTP configuration is necessary to work the mail function.

How To Install Php Mailer In Xampp


How To Install Phpmailer On Xampp Tutorial Php

See my sample in Can't get PHPMailer working

Your $mail->Host = 'HOST_ADDRESS'; needs to be specified, or just use 'smtp'

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